A child who develops healthy habits from an early age will have the tools to become an adult accountable for the future. With Colors Campaign we built a commitment with children, parents, and teachers from four countries to improve their quality of life, promoting practices of nutrition, hygiene, and physical activity.


    In 2015 we launched Colors Campaign in Nicaragua, a comprehensive intervention in elementary schools aimed at expanding knowledge in nutrition education, and promoting the adoption of healthy lifestyles.

    After obtaining satisfactory results in Nicaragua, in 2016 we decided to scale our impact with interventions in Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Panama. We also increased our reach, and now we work with children from pre-school to high school to boost their development from a young age.


    We engaged the educational trinomial to achieve a greater impact with Colors Campaign. Children actively participate in formative dynamics, while we empowered their teachers as knowledge replicating agents, and engaged parents in promoting healthy habits at home. Thus, everyone learns about the nutritional richness of each food group (classified by color), the importance of eating a balanced diet, performing physical activity and adopting hygiene practices.


    We reinforced Colors Campaign in each educational center, and extended its benefits to families and communities, through:

    • Training in nutrition education for principals and teachers, who transmit knowledge to children and their parents.
    • Strengthening of social dynamics with balanced nutrition school fairs, promoter clubs for good health and coexistence, as well as school gardens.
    • Capacity building with manuals for parents and teachers, as well as workshops for kitchen and kiosk staff.
    • Measurement of results with initial and final comparisons of knowledge, attitudes, and practices around food.